Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday Night Live

After going into work early yesterday morning and staying all day, I was whipped when I got home. Ryan's sister offered to watch the kids so we could go out for a while, but we passed it up- the thought of getting ready exhausted me. I now wonder if we needed a night out after you see how silly things got at our house..... :)

Yes people, I think we have officially proclaimed our silliness. Or in other words, we were bored and got tired of playing Hi Ho Cherrio.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Just thought this deserved a post of it's own. I am so blessed with this man. He is such an amazing person- father, husband, best friend. Next week, we will have been married only 4 years. That is such a short amount of time compared to what I hope is in store for us. We still continue to grow- we have come so incredibly far. This past year has brought many changes and hasn't been easy for us- but how meaningful to look back and know we got through it, one more thing to stack on the foundation of our marriage- and continue to grow. Heck, we're still rookies with two kids.

Baby girl

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ryan has been going into work a little later these days, so when Mayci wakes up and he's still home- she gets a lil' excited. I caught some cuddle time this morning....

Unfortunately, today is a day I have to be gone. I know it will probably never be 'easy' to drop Mayci off at Kim's (our sitter), only because I sometimes feel selfish- not sure if that's the right word- for going back to school. I have to stop and give myself a little pep talk that I'm doing this not only for myself and my family- but it's also I what I felt called to do at this point. I was truly blessed to be home for this long and only work part time. So each day is one day closer to me being done...July 27 to be exact... and although I will still work after being done with school- it just feels different. Anyway- it's all about choices right. I felt good about this choice from the beginning and still do... just somedays are easier than others. ;) So anyway- I had Mayci's stuff packed for the day- she brings a little backpack filled with her favorite things, her blankie and her monkey George. She has been doing really well on the potty and I thought it was appropriate to (first, bleach it) and take it to Kim's. She really doesn't like to go on the 'big one'- and so.. yep, whatever. I brought it. ;) WELLLL... Apparently while I was busy folding laundry- she had to go. So here she is, ever so sweet, using her potty- in the middle of the kitchen! LOL! She never said anything to me- just felt she had to do her business all by herself! ;)

Have a good day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

For you, Mom

Pictures you asked for, instead of my ramblings ;)... some of them are from Maddie's camera! Enjoy your warm week in Arizona!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stayin' dry!

A few months back- I was working on potty training Mayci. I mean to the point where we were going places without a diaper b/c my hope was that she would catch on. Obviously, it ended up being way more work for ME b/c she did not catch on and I was always cleaning up the mess. But, I thought- no big deal, I'm just not going to push this. It was silly to push it, all kids eventually get it someday. Well, let me share that yesterday and today were that someday. It finally clicked. She has not had an accident in two whole days. Of course, I was gone last night but according to Ryan- she stayed dry or told him she had to go everytime. All day today- UNDIES! No accidents. Brought herself right to the bathroom and whoop, there she went. I am just amazed at how kids all of a sudden do this. She acts like she is SO done with diapers- she was very adament not to even put one on for her nap today- which she also stayed completely dry and went as soon as she got up! Crazy! Its almost too good to be true- I'm kind of waiting for her to wake up tomorrow and decide, well, she was just testing the water- just kidding mom! Go buy me some more size 6's! ;) Hopefully that's not the case and I can actually speak truth when I say I HAVE NO MORE IN DIAPERS!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


I could almost count down the days until my lease is up. August 09. However many days it is- it's not too far. We've been van shopping for some time now- we almost opted early out of our lease to buy an Odyssey- but I'm glad we didn't fork over the little cash we have just because I'm impatient. So, I thought I had Ryan convinced that a van would be the next sweet thing sitting in our garage. He has refused to give in and I thought I had it this time... but he caught his eyes on something else- a crossover type SUV by either GMC/Saturn, they are very similar actually- almost identical just different makes. There are bucket seats and an opening to the back and tons of room. I think my luck just ran out! Apparently, he's had his eyes on these for a while and was thrilled to show me at the Auto Show. My vantasy is over. I can't argue with roomy, economical, and all wheel drive. I also can't say there will be another car seat back there anytime soon. I have to rest my case.